Newcastleton, Scottish Borders – Holm Hill Community Buyout

Newcastleton, Scottish Borders – Holm Hill Community Buyout

The negotiated sale of 750 acres of land known as Holm Hill from Buccleuch’s Borders Estate to the Newcastleton and District Community Trust (NDCT) marks an exciting future for this community in the south of Scotland. Greg Cuthbert, Chair of Newcastleton & District Community Council said: “We were probably reaching a crisis point in the…

From Derelict Land to Housing for the Homeless – Social Bite Village

From Derelict Land to Housing for the Homeless – Social Bite Village

Many homeless people are marginalised, living on the edges of society with significant social intervention needed to help them break out of the homelessness cycle. With a ‘housing first’ approach, the right support, and an opportunity to gain employment within a matter of months, many homeless people can once again become thriving, independent members of society….

Winchburgh – The Positive Benefits of Getting Involved with Community Engagement

Winchburgh – The Positive Benefits of Getting Involved with Community Engagement

Located 12 miles west of Edinburgh, the development at Winchburgh is one of the largest place-making projects currently underway in the UK. When complete, the development will deliver 3,800 new homes, improved transport links, employment opportunities, state-of-the-art schools and stunning new outdoor spaces to this historic village. The Winchburgh community has played a key role…

Wishawhill Wood Pump Track – From Derelict Land to World-Class Community Facility

Wishawhill Wood Pump Track – From Derelict Land to World-Class Community Facility

Everyone knows that doing enough exercise is vital for physical and mental health. Despite this, most of us are not as active as we should be. Repurposing empty and unloved spaces can help ensure everyone in Scotland lives close to somewhere they can safely exercise and relax outdoors. The land for the Wishaw Pump Track…

High Mill Development, Carluke – Restoring an Iconic Piece of Local Heritage

High Mill Development, Carluke – Restoring an Iconic Piece of Local Heritage

    Having spent a great many years in a state of disrepair and disuse the High Mill development in Carluke has seen great progress of late, with a view to restoring this historical building and developing the land for community use. Following purchase of the Mill and land on behalf of the community the…

An Interview with Project Manager Concrete Garden – Moira Ann McCaig

Concrete Garden is an urban community food growing, play and wellbeing project providing growing space, activities, events and volunteering opportunities for the people of Possilpark and the wider North Glasgow area. How did the idea of using land for the community first come about? Our flagship garden at St Matthew’s Centre in Possilpark came about…

Land for Community Togetherness – Woodlands Community Garden

Land for Community Togetherness – Woodlands Community Garden

“Woodlands Community is a genuinely unifying and life-enhancing community resource – more than that – they are a part of our community. I know that they have helped many people struggling with isolation and mental health, they are also a wonderful resource to the general community. Generous, cheerful & always happy to help. I can’t…