The Knowe Garden Centre – enjoying the fresh Ayr-shire

The Knowe Garden Centre – enjoying the fresh Ayr-shire

Auchinleck Community Development Initiative (ACDI) was founded to improve the area and create jobs. They began by taking over derelict sites and turning them into small, volunteer-led community gardens, growing and selling plants. Over time this has grown into a commercial gardening operation generating permanent employment opportunities and has created the Knowe Garden Centre. This…

Castlebank Park, Horticultural Training Centre, and Community Hub – flowers, food and fun for the community

Castlebank Park, Horticultural Training Centre, and Community Hub – flowers, food and fun for the community

Castlebank Park was in desperate need of renovation when Lanark Community Development Trust took over the management of the gardens from the local council in late 2013. A large part of the park was no longer in public use and was severely overgrown and neglected. Volunteers and work squads from Community Payback cleared and renovated…

Bowhouse Market – From empty barn to thriving marketplace

Bowhouse Market – From empty barn to thriving marketplace

 Using existing land and buildings in creative new ways is a great form of recycling, which helps not only communities but the environment too. Balcaskie Estate in the East Neuk of Fife did just that when they repurposed an existing barn, turning it from an infrequently used shed into the Bowhouse Market, a thriving indoor…

Newcastleton, Scottish Borders – Holm Hill Community Buyout

Newcastleton, Scottish Borders – Holm Hill Community Buyout

The negotiated sale of 750 acres of land known as Holm Hill from Buccleuch’s Borders Estate to the Newcastleton and District Community Trust (NDCT) marks an exciting future for this community in the south of Scotland. Greg Cuthbert, Chair of Newcastleton & District Community Council said: “We were probably reaching a crisis point in the…

From Derelict Site to Community Hub – Lambhill Stables

From Derelict Site to Community Hub – Lambhill Stables

Built circa 1815, the Lambhill Stables are a truly unique architectural feature north of the City of Glasgow. The vision is to create a safe, inspiring community hub for residents to use that improves the north of the city.  Lying derelict for many years, the building was taken into community ownership in 2007 and rebuilt…

Clydeside Initiative For Arts Has Secured 1.85m In Funding To Enhance The Immediate Area Around SWG3

Clydeside Initiative For Arts Has Secured 1.85m In Funding To Enhance The Immediate Area Around SWG3

SWG3’s charitable arm, Clydeside Initiative for Arts, has received a grant from the Scottish Government to fund the transformation of the derelict land around the perimeter of the venue. Part of a major effort to revitalise the River Clyde, the grant will enable them to deliver work that will significantly improve the experience for visitors…

From Derelict Land to Housing for the Homeless – Social Bite Village

From Derelict Land to Housing for the Homeless – Social Bite Village

Many homeless people are marginalised, living on the edges of society with significant social intervention needed to help them break out of the homelessness cycle. With a ‘housing first’ approach, the right support, and an opportunity to gain employment within a matter of months, many homeless people can once again become thriving, independent members of society….

Winchburgh – The Positive Benefits of Getting Involved with Community Engagement

Winchburgh – The Positive Benefits of Getting Involved with Community Engagement

Located 12 miles west of Edinburgh, the development at Winchburgh is one of the largest place-making projects currently underway in the UK. When complete, the development will deliver 3,800 new homes, improved transport links, employment opportunities, state-of-the-art schools and stunning new outdoor spaces to this historic village. The Winchburgh community has played a key role…

The First Group in Scotland to Receive the Scottish Land Fund Urban Aid Award in 2015 – Barmulloch, Glasgow

The First Group in Scotland to Receive the Scottish Land Fund Urban Aid Award in 2015 – Barmulloch, Glasgow

The Barmulloch Community Development Company (BCDC) is a community development trust and registered charity working in Glasgow, serving Balornock, Barmulloch, Millerston, Robroyston, and Springburn. It enables the delivery of a diverse range of projects, activities and services to support communities. Its aim is to work with partners in regeneration efforts to create vibrant communities and…

Wishawhill Wood Pump Track – From Derelict Land to World-Class Community Facility

Wishawhill Wood Pump Track – From Derelict Land to World-Class Community Facility

Everyone knows that doing enough exercise is vital for physical and mental health. Despite this, most of us are not as active as we should be. Repurposing empty and unloved spaces can help ensure everyone in Scotland lives close to somewhere they can safely exercise and relax outdoors. The land for the Wishaw Pump Track…